Academic Appointment:
- 08/2020- present Interim Pre-doctoral Periodontics Director Division of Periodontics Columbia University College of Dental Medicine 630 West 168th Street, PH-7E-110, New York, NY 10032
- 02/2020- present Associate Professor of Dental Medicine at CUMC Division of Periodontics Columbia University College of Dental Medicine 630 West 168th Street, PH-7E-110, New York, NY 10032
- 10/2016- present Program Director of Post-graduate Periodontics Assistant Professor of Dental Medicine at CUIMC Division of Periodontics Columbia University College of Dental Medicine 630 West 168th Street, PH-7E-110, New York, NY 10032
- 07/2015-10/2016 Interim Program Director of Post-graduate Periodontics Assistant Professor of Dental Medicine at CUMC Division of Periodontics Columbia University College of Dental Medicine 630 West 168th Street, PH-7E-110, New York, NY 10032
- 03/2014-06/2015 Associate Director of Post-graduate Periodontics Assistant Professor of Dental Medicine at CUMC Division of Periodontics Columbia University College of Dental Medicine 630 West 168th Street, PH-7E-110, New York, NY 10032
- 05/2007-03/2014 Assistant Clinical Professor at CUMC Division of Periodontics Columbia University College of Dental Medicine 630 West 168th Street, PH-7E-110, New York, NY 10032
- 07/2008-06/2012 Attending Periodontist Hackensack University Medical Center, Division of Dentistry 30 Prospect Avenue Hackensack, NJ 07601
- 07/2005-05/2007 Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Periodontics University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine 240 South 40th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Work Experience:
- 07/2005-present Parkside Dental and Implant Center, PC 1617 Parker Ave., Fort Lee, NJ 07024
- 2001 D.D.S. University of Michigan School of Dentistry
Post-doctoral Training:
- 2005 Periodontics University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
- 2002 AEGD Harvard University School of Dental Medicine
Explanation of Gaps in Work/Training/Education:
Licensure and Board Certification:
- 2014 Board re-certification, American Board of Periodontology
- 2006 Dental license in NY
- 2005 Dental license in NJ
- 2006 Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology
Honors & Awards:
- 2019 Board of Directors, Northeast Society of Periodontists
- 2016 Dr. Stanislaw H. Brzustowicz Junior Faculty Award by the Association of Dental Alumni of Columbia University College of Dental Medicine
- 2015 The American Academy of Periodontology Educator Award
- 2006 Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology
- 2007 Clinical Advising Professor, Osstem Implant, Inc.
- 2005 The Directors’ Award 2005, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
Administrative Leadership and Academic Service:
Academic Service:
- 10/2020- present CODA site visitor
- 02/2019-present Board of Directors, Northeast Society of Periodontists
- 09/2020- present Test constructor, American Academy of Periodontology In-service
Examination Committee
- 05/2020-08/2020 Test constructor, American Dental Association Board of Trustees, Dental Licensure Objective Structured Clinical Examination (DLOSCE) Steering Committee- Periodontics
- 09/2019-01/2020 Test constructor, American Academy of Periodontology In-service Examination Committee
- 03/2019-08/2020 Test constructor, American Dental Association Board of Trustees, Dental Licensure Objective Structured Clinical Examination (DLOSCE) Steering Committee- Fixed Prosthodontics & Restorative Dentistry
Administrative Leadership at CUMC:
- 07/2019-present Member, Senior Associate Dean for Clinics Search Committee
- 10/2019-present Member, Clinical Care and Policy Committee at CDM
- 03/2014-present Member, Postdoctoral Education Committee at CDM
- 03/2014-present Member, Program Directors Committee at CDM
- 03/2019-present Member, Infection Prevention and Control Working Group
- 03/2014-present Member, Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement Committee
- 03/2014-present Member, CUHC Committee on Appointments at CDM
- 03/2014-present Member, Diversity Affairs Committee at CDM
- 04/2018-present Member, Integrated Care Task Force at CDM
- 07/2015 -06/2016 Member, E-prescription Committee at CDM
- 05/2014-02/2016 Member, Prescription Committee at CDM
Professional Organizations and Societies:
- Director Northeastern Society of Periodontists
- Member New Jersey Dental Association
- Member New Jersey Society of Periodontics
- Member Bergen County Dental Society
- Member American Dental Association
- Member American Board of Periodontology
- Member American Academy of Periodontology
- Member Academy of Osseointegration
Fellowship and Grant Support:
Active Research Funding:
- 07/2017 J. Morita MFG. Corp Grant number: IN003334 Title: Clinical Outcomes: Non-surgical Scaling and Root Planing vs. Er:YAG Laser Role: Principal investigator
- 01/2018 BIOLASE, INC. Grant number: IN003271 Title: Treatment of Peri-implantitis: Clinical Comparison Between Conventional Treatment versus Biolase I Plus Laser Role: Principal investigator
Educational Contributions:
Direct Teaching/Precepting/Supervising:
- 2014-present Following didactic courses are given to postgraduate residents and dental students at CDM:
- PDNT9760 Introduction to Periodontal Therapy (Summer)
- PDNT0000 Introduction to Dental Implants (Summer)
- PDNT9700 Clinical Practice- Periodontics (Fall & Spring)
- PDNT9772 Advanced Clinical Practice- Periodontics (Fall & Spring)
- PDNT9721 Current and Classic Literature (Fall & Spring)
- PDNT9715 Periodontal Surgical Conference (Fall & Spring)
- DNSC9936 Grand Rounds (Fall & Spring)
- PROSD7820 Dental Implantology (D3, Spring)
- PROSD7821 Dental Implantology (D2, Spring)
- 2014-present Clinical supervision and education are given in the PG Periodontics clinic continuously with four days per week commitment.
Advising and Mentorship:
- 2014-present As the program director, all postgraduate students enrolled in the program receive adequate mentorship
- 2016-present PDNT 9990 Pedagogy Preclinical/Clinical Teaching All dental students on two-week rotations to Postgraduate Periodontics Program receive clinical education and guidance
- 2006-present Korean-American Dental Student Association at CDM
Faculty adviser
Community Education
- 2013-present Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) at CUMC Annual lectures have been given to underrepresented first- and second year college students who are interested in pursuing health professions
Continuing Education and Professional Education
- 2018-present Initiator & Course Director Essential Surgeries to Grow Your Dental Practice at CDM 15-20 general dentists and specialists Sunday morning CE courses have been developed for general practitioners and specialists with a series of concise lectures that review the newest techniques of each procedure and include a strong emphasis on hands-on training of various methods.
- 2015-present Lecturer Comprehensive Implantology Continuum at CDM 20-25 general dentists and specialists Various topics including implant surgical techniques, management of complication, treatment of peri-implantitis, and guided bone regeneration are presented to participants from all over the world.
- 10/13/2018 Initiator & Head Organizer Ivy Periodontics Symposium 80-90 postgraduate students and faculty This is an academic event where postgraduate students and faculty from postgraduate Periodontics programs from Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, Harvard University School of Dental Medicine, and University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine presented their clinical cases and research projects with subsequent discussions from the attendees.
- 03/12/2018 Head Organizer Metropolitan Periodontal Forum at CDM 80 postgraduate students and faculty This is an academic event hosted by the Division of Periodontics, Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. The postgraduate Periodontics programs from Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York University College of Dentistry, and Rutgers University School of Dental Medicine participated in the clinical case and research presentations.
- 03/25/2015 Head Organizer Metropolitan Periodontal Forum at CDM 80 postgraduate students and faculty This is an academic event hosted by the Division of Periodontics, Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. The postgraduate Periodontics programs from Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York University College of Dentistry, and Rutgers University School of Dental Medicine participated in the clinical case and research presentations.
- 10/16/2015 Head Organizer Northeast Dental Implant Symposium 300-350 postgraduate students and faculty The symposium’s participants include postgraduate Periodontics, Prosthodontics, Oral Surgery,
and Implantology programs from more than 30 dental schools and hospitals in the northeast. The postgraduate students and residents presented and discussed their clinical cases and research projects for two days.
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
- 1. Daniela G. Abud, Jaffer A. Shariff, Eric Linden, Philip Kang* “Erbium-doped: yttriumaluminum- garnet (Er:YAG) versus scaling and root planing for the treatment of periodontal disease: A single-blinded split-mouth randomized clinical trial” [published online ahead of print July 2021]. Journal of Periodontology.
- 2. Eli E. Machtei, Georgios Romanos, Philip Kang*, Suncica Travan, et al. “Repeated delivery of chlorhexidine chips for the treatment of periimplantitis: A multicenter, randomized, comparative clinical trial. J Periodontal 2021 Jan;92(1):11-20.
- 3. Won-Bae Park, Young-Jin Kim, Ji-Young Han, Jung-Soo Park, Philip Kang*. “Radiographic and Endoscopic Observation of Accidentally Perforated Anterior Nasal Cavity with Dental Implants: Case Reports with 5-23 Years of Follow-Up.” [published online ahead of print December 2020]. J Oral Implantol. https://doi: 10.1563/aaid-joi-D-20-00148.
- 4. Korbacheh Changi, Daniel Royzman, Gary Greenstein, Dennis Tarnow, Philip Kang*. “Creeping Clinical Attachment after Alloderm® Augmentation to Attain Root Coverage.” Clinical Advances in Periodontics, 2020 June (10)2:75-80
- 5. Noam Saltzburg and Philip Kang*. “Observed Healing of an Immediately Placed Implant in a Molar Site without Bone Replacement Graft or Primary Closure.” Compendium Continuing Education Dent 2020 June (41)6:326-330
- 6. Won-Bae Park, Young-Jin Kim, Ji-Young Han, Philip Kang*. “Successful Management of Dental Implants in Postoperative Maxillary Cyst: A Case Report with a Thirteen-year Follow-up.” J Oral Implantol, 2020, April; 46 (2): 133–138.
- 7. Ryan Price and Philip Kang*. “The Association Between Periodontal Disease and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Review of the Literature.” Compendium Continuing Education Dent, 2020 Mar;41(3):149-153
- 8. Won-Bae Park, Ji-Young Han, Jung-Sung Jang, Kyoung-Lhi Kang, Philip Kang*. “Long- Term Implant Survivability of an Implant Having Direct Contact with Cementum-Like Tissue in a Preexisting Mandibular Intraosseous Lesion with a 16-Year Longitudinal Follow-up” International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, 2019 (39)6: 895-902
- 9. Philip Kang* and Ramy Habib. “Implant Site Development Utilizing Orthodontic Extrusion: Possible Complications.” Compendium Continuing Education Dent. May 2019;40(5):292-297
- 10. Won-Bae Park, Ji-Young Han, Philip Kang*, Fatemeh Momen-Heravi. “The clinical and radiographic outcomes of Schneiderian membrane perforation without repair in sinus elevation surgery” Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2019:21:931-937
- 11. Michael Kang and Philip Kang* “Dental Implant Therapy on a Patient with von Willebrand Disease: A Case Study.” Implant Dentistry. 2018 Oct;27(5):599-601
- 12. Fatemeh Momen-Heravi, Scott M Peters, Leonard Garfinkle, Philip Kang*. “Acellular dermal matrix as a barrier for guided bone regeneration of dehiscence defects around dental implants: a clinical and histological report.” Implant Dentistry. 2018 August (27) 4:521–524
- 13. Fatemeh Momen-Heravi and Philip Kang*. “Treatment of Localized Aggressive Periodontitis with Guided Tissue Regeneration Technique and Enamel Matrix Derivative.” Clinical Advances in Periodontics. 2017 November (7)182-189.
- 14. Fatemeh Momen-Heravi and Philip Kang*. Management of Cannabis-induced Periodontitis via Resective Surgical Therapy. A Clinical Report. JADA 2017 March 148(3):179
- 15. Philip Kang, Jonathan Korostoff, Alla Volgina, Wojciech Grzesik and Joseph M. DiRienzo. Differential effect of the cytolethal distending toxin of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans on co-cultures of human oral cells. Journal of Medical Microbiology.2005 (54)785-794
- Philip Kang, Stephen Meraw, David Sarment. Radiographic Determination of Implant- Specific Biologic Widths in the Canine Model. J Dent Res 81 (Spec Iss A) 2002 Invited and/or Peer-Selected Presentations:
- 1. August 25, 2021. Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, Loma Linda, CA. “Laser Therapy in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry”
- 2. August 17, 2021. Kyungpook National University School of Dentistry, Daegu, Korea. “Current Trends in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry”
- 3. April 25, 2021. CDM CE. “Essential Periodontics for the Successful Practitioner: Fundamentals of Periodontal Therapy: When, Why, and How?”
- 4. April 20, 2021. Center City Study Club, Philadelphia, PA. “Laser Therapy in Periodontics and Implant Therapy: Myth or Reality?”
- 5. April 11, 2021. CDM CE Implantology Continuum. “Guided Bone Regeneration”
- 6. March 7, 2021. CDM CE Implantology Continuum. “Surgical Flap Design, Soft Tissue Grafting, & Dental Implant Complications”
- 7. November 15, 2021. CDM CE. “Essential Periodontics for the Successful Practitioner: Fundamentals of Periodontal Therapy: When, Why, and How?”
- 8. October 30, 2020. Second District Dental Society of NY. “Dental Implant Complications: Surgical and Prosthetic Management”
- 9. February 14, 2020. DTi Conference. “Laser Therapy in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry” Taipei, Taiwan
- 10. July 21, 2019. Essential Surgeries to Grow Your Dental Practice. Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. “Atraumatic Extractions and Socket Preservation”
- 11. May 10, 2019. Asia-Pacific Dental Congress & Korean Dental Association. “Precision Dental Medicine: The Future is Here” Seoul, Korea
- 12. May 5, 2019. Essential Surgeries to Grow Your Dental Practice. Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. “Implant Surgery for Anterior Teeth”
- 13. April 11-12, 2019. Harvard University School of Dental Medicine Continuing Education in Shanghai, China. “Soft tissue Augmentation Utilizing Autogenous Tissues,” “Minimallyinvasive Crestal Approach Sinus Graft” Shanghai, China
- 14. March 31, 2019. Essential Surgeries to Grow Your Dental Practice. Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. “Crown Lengthening Surgery” New York, NY.
- 15. March 31, 2019. Essential Surgeries to Grow Your Dental Practice. Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. “Treatment of Peri-implantitis.” New York, NY.
- 16. March 10, 2019. Comprehensive Implant Continuum at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. “Guided Bone Regeneration.” New York, NY
- 17. March 10, 2019. Essential Surgeries to Grow Your Dental Practice. Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. “Treatment of Peri-implantitis.” New York, NY.
- 18. February 10, 2019. Essential Surgeries to Grow Your Dental Practice. Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. “Lateral-window Sinus Grafting.” New York, NY.
- 19. February 10, 2019. Essential Surgeries to Grow Your Dental Practice. Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. “Crestal-approach Sinus Grafting.” New York, NY.
- 20. January 20, 2019. Comprehensive Implant Continuum at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. “Dental Implant Complications.” New York, NY
- 21. November 27, 2018. Continuing Education Course Series for Vietnamese Dentists. Columbia University College of Dental Medicine “Surgical Complications of Dental Implant Therapy”.
- 22. November 4, 2018. Essential Surgeries to Grow Your Dental Practice. Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. “Implant Surgery for the General Practitioner.” New York, NY.
- 23. October 14, 2018. Essential Surgeries to Grow Your Dental Practice. Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. “Atraumatic Extractions and Socket/Ridge Preservation.” New York, NY.
- 24. October 3, 2018. Comprehensive Implant Continuum at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. “Guided Bone Regeneration.” New York, NY
- 25. October 1, 2018. Comprehensive Implant Continuum at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. “Dental Implant Complications.” New York, NY
- 26. June 22, 2018. 1st International Conference for Future Dentistry, Seoul National University School of Dentistry. “Precision Dental Medicine: Columbia’s Vision.”
- 27. January 21, 2018. Comprehensive Implantology Continuum, Part 1 at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. “Dental Implant Complications” New York, NY.
- 28. December 6, 2017. International Implant Course for Japanese Group, The ColumbiaDoctors Office in Midtown Manhattan. “Current Trends in Periodontics and Dental Implantology.”
- 29. October 22, 2017. Spanish American Medical and Dental Society of New York. Memorial Sloan Kettering Center and Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. Fort Lee, New Jersey. “Dental Implant Complications.”
- 30. November 6, 2016. Comprehensive Implantology Continuum at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine Continuing Education Seminar. New York, NY. “Periimplantitis: What We Know So Far…”
- 31. September 19, 2016. Comprehensive Implantology Continuum at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine Continuing Education Seminar. New York, NY. “Periimplantitis: What We Know So Far…”
- 32. July 13, 2016. Osaka Dental University (ODU) course at Columbia University College of Dental medicine. New York, NY. “Treatment of Peri-implantitis” 33. March 19, 2016 International Dental Implant Course: People’s Republic of China (PRC) Group New York City. Columbia University New York, NY. “Diagnosis, Etiology, and Treatment of Peri-implantitis”
- 34. January 10, 2016. Comprehensive Implantology Continuum at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine Continuing Education Seminar. New York, NY. “Treatment of Periimplantitis”
- 35. October 14, 2015. Comprehensive Implantology Continuum at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine Continuing Education Seminar. New York, NY. “Treatment of Periimplantitis”
- 36. April 19, 2015. Comprehensive Implantology Continuum at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine Continuing Education Seminar. New York, NY. “Treatment of Periimplantitis”
- 37. November 12, 2014. Comprehensive Implantology Continuum at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine Continuing Education Seminar. New York, NY. “Treatment of Peri-implantitis”
- 38. March 13, 2013. Implant Study Club at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine Continuing Education Seminar. New York, NY. “Treatment of Peri-implantitis”
- 39. January 16, 2013. Nassau County Dental Think Tank. “Provisional Restoration and Customized Impression Technique: Optimal Peri-implant Soft Tissue Profile.”
- 40. December 12, 2012. Implant Study Club at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine Continuing Education Seminar. New York, NY. “Treatment of Peri-implantitis”
- 41. November 19, 2012. HiOssen Implant Training Center. Washington, DC. “Immediate Provisionalization and Customized Impression Technique to Create an Ideal Peri- Implant Tissues.”
- 42. October 30, 2012. Ivy League Esthetics & Implants Course. Harvard School of Dental Medicine. Boston, MA. “Saving Natural Dentition: Our Role.”
- 43. October 13, 2012 to November 17, 2012. HiOssen Implant Training Center. Fort Lee, NJ. 5- Session Course on “Advanced Implant Surgery.”
- 44. October 5, 2012. Harvard School of Dental Medicine. Boston, MA. Multidisciplinary Approaches in Implant Dentistry. “Optimal Esthetic Outcome with Immediate Provisionalization and CAD/CAM Technology”
- 45. September 9, 2012. The Korean Academy of Oral Maxillofacial Implantology. Seoul, Korea. “Paradigm Shift in Implant Dentistry.”
- 46. June 12, 2012. Harvard School of Dental Medicine. Boston, MA. “Innovations in Implant Dentistry, Periodontology, and Prosthetic Dentistry.”
- 47. March 24, 2012. The Center City Study Club. Philadelphia, PA “Building bridges where you never did before! How prescribing maxillary sinus elevations for your patients will change your practice!”
- 48. June 12, 2010. Chom Chom conference center, New York, NY “Dental Implant: Mini- Residency” Osstem Inc.
- 49. Feb. 2, 2010. The Rockefeller Dental Study Group, New York, NY “Minimally Invasive Sinus Graft”
- 50. Feb. 2, 2008. ACE Conference Center 800 Ridge Pike, Lafayette Hill, PA “Building Your Confidence: Principles to be Considered for Implant Dentistry”
- 51. Nov. 12, 2007. Cambridge, MA “Current Models for Guided Bone Regeneration: Use and Abuse of Bone Grafts” ,
- 52. Oct. 14, 2004. 10th Northeast Postgraduate Implant Symposium, Boston, MA “Implant Site Development Utilizing Orthodontic Extrusion”
That was excellent…Thank you
Do you recomand only L-srp as perio tratament or C-Srp first and at the end of p the procedure L-srp? Epic x can be use for L srp
Thank you!
Thank you for a very informative lecture. Irene – Tanzania
thank you!
Thanks Dr. Kang for sharing your expertise on Lasers. Really appreciating. Which on would be cost effective among the Lasers you use?
Thank you Dr. Kang
If someone is certified in diode laser do they have to get certified in these other types of lasers
How and when is traumatic occlusion causing boneloss and contributing to perio disease addressed during laser perio treatment?
Is there an insurance code that covers laser yet? And what is a general fee for a single tooth versus an arch of doing laser protocol
What is the GTR procwdure? Are you using Emdogain?
From which pocket depth do you recommend the use of EpicX diode LASER?
Thank you for joining today’s webinar! If you have any questions for Dr. Kang please write them in this chat box and they will be addressed at the end of the presentation.